The Richmond School of Rock mobilizes 3 times a year (occasionally more) to put on a mid-blowing show of rock music from the past, present and future - (future meaning students' original music). RSOR is open to students of all ages, upon a recommendation from their teacher. (Teachers need not be one of my associates, but I highly recommend them!) Our regular venues include The Byrd Theater and Short Pump Town Center, and you can see highlights from our shows at
www.youtube.com/richmondschoolofrock You can see pics at
Once a student is accepted and commits to a show, they can request a song they would like to play. Though all requests cannot be honored, our shows are made up mostly of student requests. About 7 weeks before the show, your student will receive an email listing the songs (usually 3) they will be playing on, the band they will be in, and their group rehearsal days and times. Your student will then be expected to learn his/her individual part with his/her teacher. Group reherasals take place in 1 hour sessions once a week for the 3 weeks before the show, at a home in the west end or Mechanicsville.
Tuition for each show is $90 per student. This includes the 3 one hour group lessons, organization of the bands and venues, and use of all the necessary equipment and instruments. (You need not bring your own instruments. You just show up and play!) Shows are usually free - the most a ticket has ever run is $2.
To be notified when concerts are scheduled, email me at
and type "Add me to the RSOR list" in
the subject. You may also call me at 804-937-9431 with any questions.
This program is mostly about having fun, but we learn a lot in the process. We take our shows seriously, and audiences really enjoy them. These are rock shows - not piano recitals. Check out
www.youtube.com/richmondschoolofrock for info on our next show.